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Research Domain

The Health Services Research (HLSC 445) course fulfilled the Research Domain for the LeADERS program and helped prepare me for a career in healthcare administration. Throughout the course, I learned to describe and contrast various research methodologies, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. This foundational knowledge allowed me to skillfully formulate research questions and hypotheses, which is crucial for conducting effective health services research. This capability is critical in healthcare administration, where data-driven decision-making can directly influence patient outcomes and organizational efficiency. By understanding and applying these research methodologies, I am prepared to lead and innovate within healthcare settings, utilizing evidence-based practices to improve service delivery and patient care. This course helped equip me with the tools necessary for a successful career in healthcare administration.


HLSC 445: Health Services Research

In the Health Services Research (HLSC 445) course, I learned about developing conceptual frameworks to predict and interpret complex data. This course deepened my understanding of research study design, conducting literature reviews, measurement strategies, and the process of creating a research project from start to finish. Additionally, the importance of reliability and validity in data and the implications of choosing what data to include in a research study were essential topics in this course. The Research Domain prepared me to contribute effectively to ongoing research projects and drive improvements in healthcare outcomes through evidence-based practices and policy development. 


I conducted a research project in this course, beginning with conception, hypothesis, and design. I created and distributed a survey to collect data, input and analyzed data using the SPSS program, generated reports to interpret data, drew conclusions, and assembled a final paper. I included the final paper as a work sample from this course. 



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